Fontenelle Fishing Reports

Fontenelle Fishing Report


Based on the flow prediction below we’re planning on guiding below the Fontenelle Dam after the 4th of July. Please call us @ 307-413-0669 or email;[email protected]. Fish On!!!




Fontenelle Wyoming Fishing Guides

                Green River Prediction

May 18, 2019
Fontenelle Wyoming Fishing Guides

Fontenelle Fishing Report

Fontenelle Fishing Report 5.18.2019 Based on the flow prediction below we’re planning on guiding below the Fontenelle Dam after the 4th of July. Please call us @ 307-413-0669 or email;[email protected]. Fish On!!!      
April 15, 2019

Fontenelle Dam Fishing Update

Fontenelle Dam Fishing Update   Greetings, Releases from Fontenelle Dam are increasing to accommodate increased inflow into the reservoir. Releases will increase from 1,000 cfs to 1,400 cfs according to the following schedule: Date Time (MDT) Initial Release (cfs) Change (cfs) Final Release (cfs) 4/15/2019 3:00 P.M. 1000 +200 1200 4/16/2019 9:00 A.M. 1200 +200 1400 Please note: The current release schedule is subject to observed hydrology and is subject to change. This directive supersedes all previously issued directives and […]
April 15, 2019

Fontenelle Reservoir Data

Fontenelle Reservoir Data This information is from April 1, 2019 Fontenelle Reservoir is currently at elevation 6464.1 feet, which amounts to 28 percent of live storage capacity. Inflows for the month of March totaled 36,900 acre-feet (af), or 70 percent of average. Near average inflows are occurring and releases are being held constant due to ice in the river reach below. Releases are currently set at 1,000 cfs. The Colorado Basin River Forecast Center has forecasted inflows that are near […]
March 26, 2019
Jackson Hole Fly Fishing Guides

Green River Pinedale Wyoming Fishing Report

  3.26.2019 Wyoming Water Supply Outlook HIGHLIGHTS: …Wyoming February 2019 precipitation was 115 to 125 percent of average… …Current water year precipitation is averaging 100 to 110 percent of normal across Wyoming… …Mountain snowpack across Wyoming is 105 to 115 percent of median… …Near normal to slightly above normal snowmelt streamflow volumes are expected across several major basins in Wyoming… …Total reservoir capacity across Wyoming continues to be 70 to 75 percent by early March… SYNOPSIS: February 2019 precipitation totals across Wyoming were 115 to 125 percent of average. Precipitation numbers varied between 250 percent of normal over the Snake and Upper Yellowstone River Drainages (west […]
January 8, 2019
Pinedale Wyoming Fishing Guides

Upper Green River Basin Wyoming Water Storage

1.8.2019 The Upper Green River Basin Water Storage is sitting at 51% currently in the Fontenelle Reservoir. For those of you who don’t know, Fontenelle is the first dam on the Green River. The Green River above Fontenelle is a freestone for approximately 175 river miles. The New Fork River has a small dam that regulates the flow out of the New Fork Lakes as does the Boulder Lake dam which regulates Boulder Creek and the Fremont Lake regulates Pine […]
August 21, 2018
Jackson Hole Fly Fishing Guides

Fontenelle Dam Fishing Report

Fontenelle Dam Fishing Report 8.21.2018 Flows: 1200 CFS   Good dry fly action throughout the day with tricos and caddis mostly. Nymphing and streamers keeps the action going in between the sippers! Fall trips are setting up so please call us to book your trip @ 307-413-069 or email; [email protected].
July 4, 2018
Fontenelle Dam fishing guides

Fontenelle Dam Fishing Report

Fontenelle Dam Fishing Report 7.4.2018 HAPPY 4th! Check out the dam flows coming to a screeching halt! WOW! 5300 down to 1600 in one week, thats a MAJOR change. RDA is planning to start guiding next week once the fish have had a chance to settle down and the holiday weekend crowds disappear. To book your trip please call us @ 307-413-0669 or email; [email protected]  
July 2, 2018

Fontenelle Dam Fishing Report

Fontenelle Dam Fishing Report Planned releases on the previously released schedule for 7/3/3018 are being advanced by two hours to accommodate personnel schedules. Releases from Fontenelle Dam will be decreased from 2,800 cfs to 1,200 cfs according to the following schedule: Date Time (MDT) Initial Release (cfs) Change (cfs) Final Release (cfs) 7/3/2018 9:00 A.M. 2800 -350 2450 7/3/2018 11:00 A.M. 2450 -350 2100 7/3/2018 1:00 P.M. 2100 -300 ~1800 (p.p. capacity) 7/4/2018 9:00 A.M. 1800 -150 1650 7/4/2018 1:00 […]
June 27, 2018

Fontenelle Dam Fishing Update

Fontenelle Dam Fishing Update   6.26.2018 Greetings, The previous notification (June 25, 2018) is being amended to reflect release changes which are detailed on the following schedule: Date Time (MDT) Initial Release (cfs) Change (cfs) Final Release (cfs) 6/26/2018 9:00 A.M. 6000 -250 5750 6/26/2018 1:00 P.M. 5750 -250 5500 6/26/2018 3:00 P.M. 5500 -250 5250 6/27/2018 9:00 A.M. 5250 -300 4950 6/27/2018 1:00 P.M. 4950 -300 4650 6/27/2018 3:00 P.M. 4650 -300 4350 6/28/2018 7:00 A.M. 4350 -400 3950 […]
June 25, 2018

Fontenelle Dam Fishing Report

Fontenelle Dam Fishing Report 6.25.2018 Good Morning! The Fontenelle Dam Fishing Report is still an update given this flow release news this morning. RDA will start guiding at the Fontenelle Dam area after the 4th of July, which tends to bring in a lot of folks to recreate and the river gets very crowded. When you’re ready to get out on this AMAZING fishery please give us a call @ 307-413-0669 to book your slot. With the reservoir being 87% […]