December 13, 2016
Back in the Saddle, again!
A warm welcome home!
We are back in the saddle, again, the only difference is we’re in Texas for the school year! As they say, better late to blog, than never. Our family has recently moved out of Wyoming for the school year and after living in paradise for so long, adjusting to living near a big city has required making some major adjustments. We are finally getting settled in, so I’ll be blogging and posting on a more consistent basis. Not to mention; we’ve been very busy designing and building a new web site as well, so be looking for that project to be completed around late winter.
Speaking of, we’re sitting very pretty thus far with the snowpack, so we hope and pray that this trend will continue. Check out the map below, which shows the headwaters of the Green and New Fork Rivers at 120% of a 30 year average. The snake headwaters is 105%, which is a heck of a lot better than it was 30 days ago.
Wyoming Snowpack 12/13/2016
We’re currently booking for 2017 so give us a holler to book your trip. Our 24/7 line is 307-739-7020.