Snake River Fishing Report
Flows at Moose: 3660 CFS
Flows below Jackson: 4050 CFS
As we all know water is the key element required and the great news on todays Snake River Fishing Report is, WE HAVE LOTS OF IT!!!!! The entire storage level sis at 80% as of today. Check out the diagram below.
The fish have now moved into the banks and are taking the big bugs all day long and the tighter to the banks your fly is wins the bigger fish! Look for caddis in the early am and late pm. During the day the pmds and classenia stones along with hoppers are the ticket. On the hotter and brighter afternoons adding a dropper below your big bug keeps you in the game all day long.
RDA is booking into the fall so please give us a call to book your trip b/c this will definitely be a September to Remember! 307-413-0669 or email; [email protected].