Snake River Fishing Report
Here’s the latest from the Bureau of Reclamation……….
Relatively high forecasted snow accumulation above Palisades Dam in the near term on top of already high runoff volume forecasts may require additional discharge increases from Jackson Lake Dam and Palisades Dam next week for flood control purposes. Depending on how future precipitation patterns look after next week and how much precipitation actually accumulates over the next week will fine tune operational decisions in the short term. The only planned flow changes at this time are the following:
Jackson Lake Dam
· Current Discharge = 1,500 cfs. Reclamations April through July runoff volume forecast for Jackson Lake Dam is 929,000 acre-feet which is 121% of the 1981-2010 average. Current flood control targets for Jackson Lake Dam in the early May time frame are in the 600,000 acre-feet range (71% full). As April progresses flood control targets will be rechecked and adjusted based on additional precipitation and weather outlooks. The lower gates at Jackson Lake Dam will be exercised on April 24th and April 25th. On these two days outflows will rise and fall as necessary to test all the lower gates. This gate exercising is part of a regularly scheduled gate maintenance program.
· Current Storage = 656,000 ac-ft (77% full)
· Current inflow (5-day average) = 726 cfs (1981-2010 average = 600 cfs)