Snake River Fishing Report
Current Snake River Flows
Based on all of this info/data we’re gonna shoot for early July to start guiding on the Snake River; Subject to change of course.
(Wednesday, June 3, 2020)
Subject: 2020 Upper Snake River Operations Update
Purpose: The purpose of these Updates is to provide information regarding Reclamation’s operations and basin conditions as the season progresses. The operations outlined in this update are based on the best data available at the time and are subject to change as new information becomes available. For additional information and resources, please visit our website at:
*Jackson Lake: Discharge will be increased overnight by 750 cubic feet per second (cfs) to a flow rate of approximately 5,500 cfs.
*Palisades Reservoir: Discharge will be increased overnight by 1,250 cubic feet per second (cfs) to a flow rate of approximately 17,500 cfs.
*Lower System:The combination of increased releases from Palisades Reservoir, local precipitation, and potential fluctuations in irrigation are likely to result in water that is in excess of reservoir storage capacity being released below Milner dam.
Operations Summary
*Jackson Lake: Jackson Lake’s discharge is being increased to 5,500 cfs to manage the reservoir’s rate of fill, which has been as high as 16,000 acre-feet per day during the last week. Additional increases over the next 7-14 days may be needed to maintain acceptable reservoir levels.