Snake River Fishing Report
Flows at Moose: 3660 CFS
Flows below Jackson: 4350 CFS
Atta boy
The latest Snake River Fishing Report is the hoppers are starting to come out which is bringing the larger fish to the surface! We’re seeing yellow sallies and pmds as well. Fish are concentrated in the head of the riffles, seams and tucked in near the structure. If you’re willing to get out of the boat and walk down side channels you only increase your chance at a really nice fish. The fish are really eating the foam as the afternoon temps heat up and the best action on the surface has been from around 8am-2pm. We’re trying to get our clients on the water by 7;45am at the very latest.
Nice on Nick!
Give up a call to book your trip @ 307-739-7020! Tight lines and enjoy!!