Upper Green River Fishing Report
First trout on a fly!
Flows at Warren Bridge: 2130 CFS
Flows at LaBarge: 6780 CFS
FINALLY, we have a positive and productive Upper Green River Fishing Report to share! The Grey Drakes are in full force as are the pmds, sallies, goldens and caddis as well. As the weeks temps get warmer getting out earlier on the water will afford you a better and more realistic opportunity of catching the hatch. The fish are just starting to inhabit the banks, sticking in tight to the pockets. Look for the fish to be feeding in the slower seams, side channels and eddys. On the brighter days be careful of the shadows from your rod and lines spooking the trout and turning them off the feed. False casting too many times is yet another way to spooking the trout as well. During the hot afternoons dont hesitate to put on a dropper to keep the action going.
The water supply is really looking good for the remainder of the season on the Upper Green River and we’re booking clear into October!
Upper Green River Water Supply
For the most up to date information and/or to book your trip please call us @ 307-413-0669 or email; [email protected].