Flows at Moose: 4790 CFS
Flows below Jackson: 6630 CFS
So far this spring and runoff season on the Snake River has been a roller coaster ride. We have snow predicted tonight which should slow down the melt for a few days. The snowpack is currently sitting at 66% which is pretty low for this time of the year. The rain we had over the weekend helped accelerate the melt, which is a double edged sword. But there’s not much you can do but sit back and see what happens.
Wyoming Snowpack 5/9/2016
Below shows the long range forecast for the Snake River which shows the flows not getting over 10, 000 cfs. If this prediction works out I would imagine the fishing will be happening in early July.
Runoff Prediction 5/9-9/6
Looking at the chart below you can see the two warm up periods we’ve seen so far causing approximately a 10% snowpack depletion for each spell. When the Bureau of Recalmation meets here in several weeks we will see what their plan is for the Jackson Dam operations
Snake River flows
Please give us a call to book trip or just to get the latest on the runoff conditions @ 307-739-7020.