Rules of the River
When fly fishing with a professional guide, there are a few things you can do to ensure a great guided fishing trip by following the rules of the river. — As professional guides, we are responsible for 3 main things. 1) Your safety. 2) Improving your fly fishing skills 3) Catching fish. If we can acquire all three of these factors, chances are you are going to go home smiling. Here are 5 tips that you can do, to make the day an absolute success.
1. Listen
The number one way to prepare for a guided trip is to ready yourself to listen. Whether you are an expert or a beginner you should be constantly looking to improve you’re skills. This can only be acquired through time and experience. Every person has certain skills and talents. I once heard a Doctor tell another guide “We are the best at what we do, and you are the best at what you do.” Respect each others expertise, and listen to what can be taught and learn!
2. Relax
In some cases people need to relax on the water. Sometimes the pressure is so strong to catch fish, that people forget the whole reason for fishing…. To enjoy themselves. In this case, people need to relax on the water. People who are high strung typically are too quick the set the hook– a major issue when fishing with large dry flies. When ever I take a husband and wife combo in the boat, it is almost guaranteed that the wife will out fish the husband. I believe that this is because women anglers are generally relaxed, listen and are easy going, thus wooing in the trout…
3. Prepare
If you have time before the trip, hone your casting skills. A clients “castablility” in my opinion is the greatest X factor. Yes, we can teach you on the water (and we will)….but if you practice, even for a little bit before you’re trip, you will catch twice as many fish. Set up a course in you’re back yard with targets and practice casting to them. You will enjoy yourself and become a better angler.
4. Have a Good Attitude
Come with a good attitude. I like to call it “Fish-Kharma”…… For some reason, fish can sense a bad attitude. If you do not believe that you have the right guide, the right flies and a strong knot to tie them all together…. plan for a miserable day! A good attitude brings fish to the boat.
5. Trust the Guide
Trust your guide. If you show trust in your guide, he will go out of his way to make sure you have the best day possible. Remember… “You are the best at what you do, and we are the best at what we do.”
If you are going on any guided fishing trips, take these suggestions into account and have fun.