Flows at Moose: 3880 CFS
Flows below Jackson: 5710 CFS
So far, this season has been yet another challenging year to predict the runoff on the Snake River. As I was told from the Bureau of Reclamation last week; “it’s not drastically dry, it’s just drastically early.” With that being said, we’ve had much cooler temps lately, with a lot of rain/sleet/snow and hail. The temps have helped preserve the snowpack too, which is an added bonus. If the flows remain consistent with the prediction shown below, we are planning to start our guide operations on the Snake River around the last week of June. Barring any crazy rain storms, the flows look quite favorable for quality fishing throughout the summer and fall season on the Snake River.
Snake River Predicted Flows 5.23.16
Please give us a call to book your trip on the Snake River or to get the latest report @ 307-739-7020. Thank you and tight lines!